Emily Blackmore - NLPL
Emily BlackmoreDone
Josée Bisaillon
Josée BisaillonDone
Norma St. Croix - MUN
Dr. Norma St. CroixDone
Keynote - Julie Pellissier-Lush
Julie Pellissier-LushDone
D. Vaandering & S. McDonald Moores - Relationships First
Dr. Dorothy Vaandering & S. McDonald MooresDone
Josée Bisaillon - Canadian Illustrator
Josée BisaillonDone
Keynote - Shelley Moore
Shelley MooreDone
Julie Pellissier-Lush Author
Julie Pellissier-LushDone
Julie Pellissier-Lush
Julie Pellissier-LushDone
Sherra Robinson - NL Schools
Sherra RobinsonDone
Tracy Saarikoski (she/her) is a proud Registered Early Childhood Educator from Sudbury, Ontario. She has a passion for Early Learning & Child Care and advocating for children, families and the sector. She currently operates a non-profit licensed child care program and is involved in many networks and committees in the community and across the province. Discovery Early Learning & Care has been her home for more than 30 years and continues to promote lifelong learning in her professional and personal life. Listening to children, considering their curiosities and engaging in joyful experiences with them inspire her leadership each day. She is full of energy and shares her love of literacy and learning with everyone.
Capturing the Many Languages of Balls & Loose Parts through Learning Stories
As participants come together we will share on our own experiences in documentation and noticing children’s theories, thinking, languages and joy through the lens of a Learning Story. Examples of Learning Stories will be shared and we will unpack the learning unfolding within them. We will consider a number of questions including:
What do you notice?
What do you hear?
How does it make you feel?
What might we consider to expand on children’s thinking?
Where do you fit into the Learning Story and what is your role?
What schemas are noticed?
How often do we consider the leader in the child?